20 October 2008

12 Days Until NaNoWriMo - on leisurely reading

So... three more days have passed, and I have made no more progress on the intense planning of my sure-to-be-awesome NaNoWriMo novel. I did, however, finish three books in the meantime. Pretty amazing, right? Not really. One of them was Brisingr, the third installment of the teen-geared four-book Inheritance Cycle (it began with Eragon, which I'm quite sure you've probably heard of). It's taken me a few weeks to make time for this series, as I wasn't completely invested in it. Last night I began (and finished) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, a short children's book which would have broken my heart, except that I, in my cunning and Potter-series-bred reading brain, figured out the ending about 50 pages too soon. So there was that down the drain.

After The Miraculous Journey, I read the first couple of chapters of The City of Ember, which is this post-apocalyptic young reader's book about a civilization living underground after some undefined disaster aboveground. The city is suffering as their supplies dwindle and their electricity threatens daily to give up. Two unlikely kids find the way out and escape in the final pages of the book -- leaving me desperate for the second book, but mad at myself for having done a four-book run to Barnes and Noble just yesterday (hence all the fresh literature). Anyway, I just finished Ember, and it was really impressive. I have The Hunger Games (yes, the YA book recommended my Stephenie Meyer herself) and World Without End, a big-girl book -- a 1,000 page sequel to another 1,000 page book that was my summer reading senior year. So, I'll be pretty well occupied for at least another week.

I say all this to assert that my reading will help me in my NaNo-writing experience. I'm sure it will... won't it? (Or will it just distract me during November? We can only wait and see...)

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