21 October 2008

11 Days Until NaNoWriMo - lament of my own inferiority

I just finished reading Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games. All day I have been quite unable to put it down. I devoured that book. The characters, the structure -- all of its combined elements kept my fingers glued to the cover, flipping the pages, poring over every word.

I'm pretty much afraid I will never be able to meet such a standard if I were to write a YA novel. (I'm especially thankful for the balance of action and dialogue after reading the Inheritance Cycle.) So, here I must lament my own inferiority, and realize that I'm going to have to really persevere through November and get all the practice I can.

In the meantime, I'll just allow myself to gleefully mourn the fact that this is going to be yet another series that, as more installments are released, will rule my life.

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