03 May 2009

The bitterness of studying is preferable to the bitterness of ignorance.

Hmm. On Tuesday, I'll take my last final (for theatre appreciation) of my sophomore year. The next day, I'll be home for the summer. The following day -- Thursday -- I will definitely already be bored out of my skull.

The good news is, I already have the story in mind that I'm going to write, per my last blog post. I've forced my roommates and my family to listen to me explain the complicated plot and the backstabbing characters, and they've all feigned a healthy level of excitement about my summer endeavor. I, personally, can't wait.

But for now, I'm still a college student persevering through final exams.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I am very excited to hear about this story you have in mind and see how it comes out!
Good luck with finals!

The Crazy Authoress said...

Exam time is always stressful - no exceptions. Nothing to say but good luck, mah dear! I'm sure you'll do well.

And yay with the story! What's it about?