29 November 2008

Day 29 of NaNoWriMo

I just won National Novel Writing Month with 50,249 words.

My NaNoWriMo profile says how awesome I am, and the documents on my flash drive say that there's probably still about 5,000 words worth left to my story, which I've decided is gonna have to be done in three parts. The first part is thisclose to being completed.

One more day to upload my word count -- I'll let you know how it goes!!!


28 November 2008

Day 28 of NaNoWriMo

Day 28 is almost over and I have fewer than 5,000 words to go.

25 November 2008

Day 25 of NaNoWriMo

At 41,783 words, the end of National Novel Writing Month is comfortably in sight. I am right on target with my word count and I still have a great deal of free time left with my Thanksgiving break -- which, thankfully, ends the same day as NaNoWriMo. Lucky me.

I meant to celebrate this a few days ago when it happened, but I noveled more than 6k words on Sunday to catch up from when I was so busy last week with school and Twilight and stuff. (The movie was ah-mazing, by the way. Both times.) So, that was a great day for me.

Also, there is no way I am going to finish my novel -- that is, tie up the loose ends, neaten up my plot, etc. -- in 50k. So, I still have a long road ahead of me where this novel is concerned -- But I like where it's headed, that's for sure!

Stick with me!

20 November 2008

Day 20 of NaNoWriMo

So I'm getting ready to start my twentieth day of noveling. I'm slightly behind par on my word count because of schoolwork, exhaustion, and my mom being here at school to 1) celebrate her birthday, and 2) give us an opportunity to skip curfew to see Twilight at midnight. (Why aren't some theatres having a twilight showing? Hmm... maybe they are...)

So, I need to novel about 2,000 words a day from here on out to ensure I finish on time. And, I WILL finish on time.

Just because I feel so proud, I thought I'd let you know I finished reading World Without End a couple days ago amid all my mad noveling. Let me tell you, what with all the Black Plague description and power-hungry monks and such, World was quite the page-turner.

In other news, my T key on my keyboard is sticking. It was really hard to type "twentieth" earlier. I was painfully aware of each T in that word.

15 November 2008

Day 15 of NaNoWriMo II

Today I came to terms with the fact that I can only write if I turn off my WiFi and stay out of the living room while my quadmates are watching a movie.

Let the new era of high-powered noveling begin.

Day 15 of NaNoWriMo

I don't really need any sort of reminder that it's been a whole week since I last blogged. I'm thisclose to reaching the halfway mark, right on schedule. I would LOVE to hit 30,000 words by the end of this weekend, but we'll see how that goes. I just don't want to lose the steady pace I've been keeping consistent the past week.

It really does help that I feel I'm FINALLY finished with my principal exposition, 24k words later. Now the real love interest has shown up and the mysteries are thickening. Let's get this show on the road, right?!

By the way, there's, like, five days or something until the premiere of the Twilight film. Excited? I know I am.

07 November 2008

Day 7 of NaNoWriMo

So my excuse for blog neglect is, in fact, the very reason my blog exists. I've been noveling some, but mostly having a social life and getting caught up on homework. My word count is still ahead of schedule, but I'm not writing at quite the pace I started with, though I guess that's to be expected. But I need to be prosperous this weekend to keep from falling into a NaNodepression (which is a term I've just coined, JUST NOW).

That's pretty much all I have to say.

Oh, and that it's officially been one year since I discovered National Novel Writing Month -- a year since I registered my account on the website, one week too late to participate in last year's literary extravaganza.

03 November 2008

Day 3 of NaNoWriMo

So I'm winding down Day 3 of National Novel Writing Month, and I currently sit at 8,561 words. Rose and I are sitting in Panera Bread, taking advantage of the free WiFi and the change of scenery -- but not partaking of the expensive, delicious food.

It took a few thousand words, but I think I have finally nailed the key tactic to NaNoveling: ignoring my inner perfectionist. It's taken a lot of struggling and threats, but I think I've managed to stifle that part of my psyche for at least the next 27 days. Rejoice, for I may just succeed at this yet!

My back and wrists are aching and it's time for some Chick-fil-A. See you in another thousand words?

01 November 2008

Day 1 of NaNoWriMo

Day 1 is almost over. I think I've finished my first chapter, and it sits at about 4,347 words, eleven pages. I'm kind of fond of it so far, but I can see this is going to be a difficult month. I'm trying my hardest to just let the editing go and remember Chris Baty's first pep talk, reminding me that I shouldn't try to make a bookstore novel appear this month, because bookstore novels all started out as rough drafts just like mine at one point. But it's hard. Really.

I'll probably get another couple thousand words out of the way this weekend, which is a good feeling. It's best to get a strong start, right? (:

See you in the days to come.