25 November 2008

Day 25 of NaNoWriMo

At 41,783 words, the end of National Novel Writing Month is comfortably in sight. I am right on target with my word count and I still have a great deal of free time left with my Thanksgiving break -- which, thankfully, ends the same day as NaNoWriMo. Lucky me.

I meant to celebrate this a few days ago when it happened, but I noveled more than 6k words on Sunday to catch up from when I was so busy last week with school and Twilight and stuff. (The movie was ah-mazing, by the way. Both times.) So, that was a great day for me.

Also, there is no way I am going to finish my novel -- that is, tie up the loose ends, neaten up my plot, etc. -- in 50k. So, I still have a long road ahead of me where this novel is concerned -- But I like where it's headed, that's for sure!

Stick with me!

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