I had many ambitions for my summer, and none were terribly far-reaching, so I'll spare you the gory details and instead illustrate for you how the average day in my summer was spent.
- Wake up sometime between 10 and 11 a.m.
- Get online.
- Play games and chat with Vultures.
- Eat breakfast.
- Play more games. Chat some more.
- Do something productive around the house.
- Hang out with my family.
- Have dinner. (Most of the time I skipped lunch.)
- More hanging out with the family.
- They go to bed. I get online again.
- Chatting and/or Buffy-watching with the Scooby Gang.
- Maybe go to bed before 2 a.m.
- Probably not.
- Finally pass out and repeat it all again in a few hours.
I'm really looking forward to NaNoWriMo '09, taking 15 hours of difficult, strenuous classes this fall semester, and possibly juggling a job in there, too. Should be a while ride, eh? I plan to make this blog a little more life-friendly in the coming months, because I've been focusing on the writing aspect of my life and I wish I'd given myself more freedom to ramble about everything else. So that's your warning. :)
Also, as a sidenote, I'm now on tumblr! (http://ashleyscript.tumblr.com/)